
Cloud Based Safety App




Advantage of Using Cloud Based Safety App

Employees are the pillars to run a company and it’s the duty of management to ensure that they work in a safe environment. To make the working environment safe, the employees need to have a facility to report any kind of unsafe condition occurring within the premises which can be reported and resolved in minimal time. Unsafe Condition Reporting application is the best solution for the in-house safety. This easy to use application needs to be used by employees after a formal training. This application can also help to monitor the safety related issues arising within the company and preventive measures can be taken in advance to reduce such kind of situation in future.

Key Features

Input and track all safety hazards throughout the company using one centralized online portal accessible to all employees across all locations

With the application, user can get a detailed view of all the action items and check their status

Alert messages helps the user to keep track on every logged issues

Once a hazard is reported, the app helps the user to check if the corrective and preventive actions are taken and ensures its closure

Generate different types of Reports

Real-time performance dashboards and Reports can be quickly emailed or printed to share with management

Sort data by the employees, departments, workgroup, type of risks and instantly generates hazard frequency and severity rates

How to use this application

Users have to login in the app and click a photo of hazardous situation found in premises along with a short description of the situation with the exact location.

Users have to select appropriate department to help in identifying and resolving issue quickly. User can also select severity of the issue.

Once the issue is raised, it would go to admin (HOD) of particular department. HOD will tag severity of issue and assign task to respective person. HOD and admin will also select the due date to resolve the issue. If the issue is marked as “urgent”, it should be resolved as soon as possible.

If the due date has passed, then the system will send email notification to all the people involved and stake holders until it is resolved.

Safety department will visit hazardous site, complete the task and mark it as complete, take a picture and upload it on app.

Complete task notification will be marked by HOD (Admin) and he can tag it as task completed.

This application will have report system for task generated, completed, pending, status by week, month and date.